Some of my friends- some of the best people I know- have recently started blogging. Specifically, they've started blogging with the sole purpose of sharing themselves openly with others. This isn't something that comes easily for a lot of people. Sharing yourself is an act comprised of internal elements which tend to scare a lot of us off; I'm talking about courage, self-knowledge and acceptance, allowing others to see how you see the world. These actions open you up for both criticism and praise- which can also be off-putting and scary. I think for a lot of us, we build walls. Most of the time, these walls are built in response to some negative experience we've had. Unfortunately, the walls don't generally discriminate who they keep out, or who they hide us from. We may let a select few figure out how to get through our walls (only after proving themselves through vigorous tests), but the walls can't be targeted. And once they're up, it's tough to break them down.
Consider this blog an attempt to deconstruct my wall and open myself up to sharing. This blog is the Angry Bird to my Evil Pig castle.
this is awesome. you're awesome.